Friday, April 1, 2011

Automation control system

  • Module 1 ~ Introduction
    • Lesson 1 ~ Introduction to Industrial Automation and Control, objectives: To define Automation and Control and explain the differences in the sense of the terms; To explain the relation between Automation and Information Technology; To underline the basic objectives of a manufacturing industry and explain how automation and control technologies relate to these; To introduce the concept of a Product Life Cycle and explain how Automation and Control technologies relate to the various phases of the cycle; To classify Manufacturing plants and categorise the different classes of Automation Systems that are appropriate for these; contents: [ Point to Ponder: 1 - 10 ~ Industrial Automation vs. Industrial Information Technology ~ Role of automation in industry ~ Economy of Scale and Economy of Scope ~ Types of production systems ~ Types of Automation Systems ]
    • Lesson 2 ~ Architecture of Industrial Automation Systems, objectives: To describe the various elements of an Industrial Automation Systems and how they are organized hierarchically in levels; To explain how these levels relate to each other in terms of their functions; To describe the nature of technologies involved in realizing these functional levels; To describe the nature of information processing in these levels and the information flow among them; contents: [ Sensing and Actuation Elements ~ Industrial Sensors and Instrument Systems ~ The Functional Elements of Industrial Automation ~ Industrial Actuator Systems ~ Industrial Control Systems ~ Continuous Control ~ Sequence / Logic Control ~ Supervisory Control ~ The Architecture of Elements: The Automation Pyramid ~ An Example Industrial Specification for Automatic and Supervisory Level Automation Systems ~ Comprehensive diagnostic functions ~ Basis of System Selection ]
  • Module 2 ~ Measurement Systems
    • Lesson 3 ~ Measurement Systems Specifications, objectives: Define the different terms used for characterizing the performance of an instrument/ measurement system; Compare the performances of two similar type of instruments, looking at the specifications; Write down the performance specifications of a measurement system from its test data; contents: [ Static Characteristics ~ Range (or span) ~ Sensitivity ~ Linearity ~ Hysteresis ~ Resolution ~ Accuracy ~ Precision ~ Dynamic Characteristics ~ Potentiometer ~ Thermocouple ~ Seismic Sensor ~ Step response performance ~ Frequency Response Performance ~ Bandwidth and Natural Frequency ~ Random Characteristics ]
    • Lesson 4 ~ Temperature Measurement, objectives: Name different methods for temperature measurement; Distinguish between the principles of operation of RTD and thermistor; Explain the meaning of lead wire compensation of RTD; Differentiate characteristics of a PTC thermistor from a NTC thermistor; Select the proper thermocouple for a particular temperature range; Design simple cold junction compensation schemes for thermocouples; contents: [ Resistance Thermometers ~ Resistance Temperature Detector ~ Signal conditioning ~ Thermistor ~ Thermocouple ~ Thermocouple Materials ~ Laws of Thermocouple ~ Reference Junction Compensation ]
    • Lesson 5 ~ Pressure and Force Measurement, objectives: Name different methods for pressure measurement using elastic transducers; Explain the construction and principle of operation of a Bourdon tube pressure gage; Define gage factor of a strain gage; Name different strain gage materials and state their gage factors; Will be able to draw the connection diagram of an unbalanced bridge with four strain gages so as to obtain maximum sensitivity and perfect temperature compensation; Name different methods for force measurement with strain gages; contents: [ Pressure Measurement ~ Diaphragms ~ Bellows ~ Bourdon Tube ~ Measurement of Force ~ Strain Gage ~ Gage Factor ~ Metallic Strain Gage ~ Semiconductor type Strain Gage ~ Strain Gage Bridge ~ Load Cell ~ Proving Ring ~ Cantilever Beam ]
    • Lesson 6 ~ Displacement and Speed Measurement, objectives: Name three methods of displacement measurement using passive electrical sensors; Sketch the construction and characteristics of LVDT; Explain the principles of operation of inductive and capacitive types of proximity sensors; Distinguish between variable distance and variable area type of capacitance displacement sensors; Sketch and explain the principle of operation of a optical type displacement sensor; Name two methods of noncontact type speed sensing and explain their principles of operation; contents: [ Displacement Measurement ~ Potentiometer ~ Linear Variable Differential transformer (LVDT) ~ Inductive type Sensors ~ Rotary Variable Differential Transformer (RVDT) ~ Capacitance Sensors ~ Optical Sensors ~ Speed Measurement ]
    • Lesson 7 ~ Flow Measurement, objectives: Name different types of flowmeters, frequently used in industry; Distinguish the constructional differences between orifice meter and ventury meter; Understand the basic principle of operation of an obstruction type flowmeter; Explain the basic principles of operation of turbine type flowmeter and electromagnetic flowmeter; Develop a schematic block diagram for signal conditioning circuit for a typical flowmeter; contents: [ Obstruction type flowmeter ~ Corrections ~ Orifice Plate, Venturimeter and Flow nozzle ~ Flow measurement of compressible fluids ~ Pitot Tube ~ Rotameter ~ Construction of the float ~ Electromagnetic Flowmeter ~ Turbine type Flowmeter ~ Vortex type Flowmeter ]
    • Lesson 8 ~ Measurement of Level, Humidity and pH, objectives: Name different methods for level and moisture measurements; Explain the basic techniques of level and humidity measurement; Explain the principle of pH measurement; Explain the necessity of using special measuring circuit for pH measurement; contents: [ Hydrostatic Differential Pressure type ~ Capacitance type ~ Ultrasonic type ~ Radiation technique ~ Humidity Measurement ~ Humidity measurement finds wide applications in different process industries. ~ atmosphere must be controlled below a certain level in many manufacturing ~ semiconductor devices, optical fibres etc. Humidity inside an incubator must ~ precision level. Textiles, papers and cereals must be dried to a standard ~ to prevent the quality deterioration. The humidity can be expressed in ~ absolute humidity, (b) relative humidity and (c) dew point. ~ Humidity can be measured in different ways. Some of the techniques are explained ~ Hygrometer ~ Psychrometer ~ Dew point measurement ~ Conductance/Capacitance method of measurement ~ Infrared Technique ~ Measuring Electrode ~ Reference Electrode ~ Measuring scheme ]
    • Lesson 9 ~ Signal Conditioning Circuits, objectives: Identify the different building blocks of a measuring system and explain the function of each block; Design an unbalanced wheatstone bridge and determine its sensitivity and other parameters; Able to explain the advantage of using push-pull configuration in unbalanced a.c. and d.c. bridges; Define CMRR of an amplifier and explain its importance for amplifying differential signal; Compare the performances of single input amplifiers (inverting and non-inverting) in terms of gain and input impedance; Draw and derive the gain expression of a three-op.amp. instrumentation amplifier; contents: [ Unbalanced D.C. Bridge ~ Push-pull Configuration ~ Unbalanced A.C. Bridge with Push-pull Configuration ~ Capacitance Amplifier ~ Amplifiers ~ Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifiers ~ Differential Amplifier ~ Instrumentation Amplifier]
    • Lesson 10 ~ Errors and Calibration, objectives: Define error; Classify different types of errors; Define the terms: mean, variance and standard deviation; Define the term limiting error for an instrument; Estimate the least square straight line from a set of dispersed data; Distinguish between the terms: single point calibration and two point calibration; contents: [ Error Analysis ~ Systematic Errors ~ Random Errors ~ Propagation of Error ~ Limiting Error ~ Importance of the Arithmetic Mean ~ Standard deviation of the mean ~ Least square Curve Fitting ~ Calibration and error reduction ]
  • Module 3 ~ Process Control
    • Lesson 11 ~ Introduction to Process Control, objectives: Distinguish with examples the difference between sequential control and continuous process control; Identify three special features of a process; Differentiate between manipulating variable and disturbance; Distinguish between a SISO system and MIMO system and give at least one example in each case; Develop linearised mathematical models of simple systems; Give an example of a time delay system; Identify the parameters on which the time delay is dependent; Sketch the step response of a first order system with time delay; State and explain the significance of transfer function matrix; contents: [ Characteristics of a Process ~ Mathematical Modeling ~ Higher Order System Model ~ Time delay ~ Multiple Input Multiple Output Systems ]
    • Lesson 12 ~ P-I-D Control, objectives: Write the input-output relationship of a P-I-D controller; Explain the improvement of transient response in closed loop with P-controller; Explain the presence of offset in presence of simple P-controller; Define Proportional Band; Explain the elimination of steady state error with Integral Control; Define the error transfer function and compute steady state error; Explain the advantages of P-I controller over simple P and I actions; Explain the effect of P-D controller; Recommend a suitable controller configuration for a particular process; contents: [ Proportional control ~ Integral Control ~ Proportional Plus Integral (P-I) Control ~ Proportional Plus Derivative (P-D) Control ~ Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control ~ Guideline for selection of controller mode ]
    • Lesson 13 ~ Controller Tuning, objectives: Explain the importance of tuning of controller for a particular process; Name the three experimental techniques for controller tuning; Explain the three methods for tuning of P, I and D parameters; Explain the terms: Auto Tuning, Bumpless Transfer and Integration Wind Up; contents: [ Reaction Curve Technique ~ Closed Loop Technique (Continuous Cycling method) ~ Closed Loop Technique (Damped oscillation method) ~ General comments about controller tuning ~ Integration windup and Bumpless transfer ]
    • Lesson 14 ~ Implementation of P-I-D Controllers, objectives: Suggest a method to achieve Bumpless transfer; Suggest two methods for prevention of Integration Windup; Explain a scheme for implementation of pneumatic P-I controller; Explain a scheme for implementation of P-I-D controller using electronic circuit; Distinguish between position algorithm and velocity algorithm for implementation of digital P-I-D controller; Explain the advantages of using velocity algorithm over position algorithm; contents: [ Bumpless Transfer ~ Prevention of Integration Windup ~ Pneumatic Controller ~ Electronic PID Controllers ~ Digital P-I-D Control ~ Protection against Computer Failure ]
    • Lesson 15 ~ Special Control Structures: Feedforward and Ratio Control, objectives: ~ Justify the use of feedforward controller in addition to conventional feedback controller. ~ Draw the block diagram of a feedforward-feedback controller. ~ Find the transfer function of the feedforward controller for complete disturbance rejection. ~ Write down three typical applications of ratio control ~ Give two possible arrangements for achieving ratio control; contents: [ Feedforward Control ~ Ratio Control ]
    • Lesson 16 ~ Special Control Structures: Predictive Control, Control of Systems with Inverse Response, objectives: Explain with an example the difficulty in controlling a process with dead time; Draw and explain the function of Smith Predictor Compensation Scheme; Explain the two schemes for predictive control in automatic gage control of a rolling mill; Given an example of a process with inverse response; Write down the transfer function of process with inverse response and sketch its step response; Suggest a suitable compensation scheme for control of a process with inverse response; contents: [ Predictive Control ~ Application of Predictive Control in Gage Control of Steel Rolling Mills ~ Smith Predictor by estimating the roll gap ~ Smith Predictor based on Constant Mass Flow principle ~ Systems with Inverse Response ~ Example of a system with inverse response ~ Transfer function of a system with inverse response ~ Control of a System with Inverse Response ]
    • Lesson 17 ~ Special Control Structures: Cascade, Override and Split Range Control, objectives: ~ State two advantage of using cascade control ~ Draw the block diagram representation of cascade control system ~ Write down the governing equations for determining the stability of a cascade control system. ~ Illustrate with an example the use of override control ~ Illustrate with an example the use of split range control; contents: [ Cascade Control ~ Override Control ~ Split Range Control ]
  • Module 4 ~ Programmable Logic Control Systems
    • Lesson 18 ~ Introduction to Sequence/Logic Control and Programmable Logic Controllers, objectives: Define Sequence and Logic Control; State three major differences between Logic Control and Analog Control; Define a Programmable Logic Controller and name its major structural components; Name the major functions performed by a PLC; contents: [ What is Sequence and Logic Control? ~ Industrial Example of Discrete Sensors and Actuators ~ Comparing Logic and Sequence Control with Analog Control ~ Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) ~ Evolution of the PLC ~ Application Areas ~ Architecture of PLCs ]
    • Lesson 19 ~ The Software Environment and Programming of PLCs, objectives: Describe the structure of a PLC Program; Describe the execution of a PLC Program; Describe the typical elements of an RLL Diagram; Design RLL Diagrams for simple industrial logic control problems; contents: [ Structure of a PLC Program ~ Program Execution ~ Interrupt Driven and Clock Driven Execution Modes ~ The Relay Ladder Logic (RLL) Diagram ~ RLL Programming Paradigms: Merits and Demerits ~ Example: Forward Reverse Control ~ Typical Operands of PLC Programs ~ Inputs I, Output Q ~ Internal Variable Operands or Flags ~ User defined Data ~ Addressing ~ Operation Set ]
    • Lesson 20 ~ Formal Modelling of Sequence Control Specifications and Structured RLL Programming, objectives: Describe motivations for formal modelling in the design of sequence control programs for an industrial control problem; Describe the major steps in the design of a sequence control program for an industrial control problem; Develop a Finite State machine model for simple industrial control problems; Develop a sequence control program for a Finite State Machine model; contents: [ Motivation for Formal Modelling ~ Industrial Logic Control Example Revisited ~ Linguistic description of the industrial stamping process ~ The first version of sequence control program for the industrial stamping process ~ Steps in Sequence Control Design ~ Formal process modelling ~ Design of RLL Program ]
    • Lesson 21 ~ Programming of PLCs: Sequential Function Charts, objectives: Describe the major features of the IEC 1131-3 standard for PLC programming; Describe the major syntax conventions of the SFC programming language; Identify valid and invalid SFC segments; Develop SFC programs for simple sequence control problems; contents: [ IEC 1131-3: The International Programmable Controller Language Standard ~ Major Features of IEC 1131-3 ~ IEC 1131-3 Programming Languages ~ Function Block Diagram (FBD) ~ Structured Text (ST) ~ Instruction List (IL) ~ Sequential Function Chart (SFC) ~ Transitions ~ Basic Control Structures ~ Divergence of a Selective Sequence ~ Convergence of a Selective Sequence ~ Convergence of a Simultaneous Sequence ~ Source and Destination Connectors ~ Control Program Architecture with SFCs ~ Sequential Processing ~ Post processing ~ Industrial Logic Control Example Revisited ~ SFC-based Implementation of the Stamping Process Controller ]
    • Lesson 22 ~ The PLC Hardware Environment, objectives: Describe the physical organization of hardware in the PLC; State typical components and functionality of the main types of modules; Describe typical Function modules used in PLC systems; contents: [ Processor ~ Module Input ~ Module Analog input modules ~ Digital Input Modules ~ Output Modules ~ Analog Output ~ Module Digital Output ~ Module Function Modules ~ Count ~ Module Loop Controller ~ Module ]
  • Module 5 ~ CNC Machines
    • Lesson 23 ~ Introduction to Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Machines, objectives: Define Numerical Control and describe its advantages and disadvantages; Name and describe the major components of a CNC system; Explain the coordinate systems adopted for CNC programming; Describe the major types of motion control strategies; Describe the major classifications of CNC machines; contents: [ Introductory Concepts of Machining ~ What is Computer Numerical Control? ~ Advantages of a CNC Machine ~ Classification of NC Systems ~ Point-to-point systems ~ Contouring systems ~ Coordinate Systems ~ Incremental Systems ~ Absolute System ~ Unit of Displacement ~ Part Programming ~ Servo Control ~ Types of Servo Control ~ Coordinated Axis ~ Point-to-point Axis ~ Spindle Axis ~ Open Loop Systems ~ Closed Loop systems ~ Appendix-2 Typical Specifications of a CNC System ]
    • Lesson 24 ~ CNC Machines: Interpolation, Control and Drive, objectives: Define the major subsystems for motion control; Describe the major features of an interpolator for a contouring CNC system; Distinguish and compare open loop control and closed loop CNC; Name desirable features of feed and spindle drives of CNC machines; contents: [ Contour Generation by Interpolation ~ DDA Algorithm ~ Linear Reference Pulse Interpolation ~ Reference-word Circular Interpolators ~ Servo Control ~ Control of PTP Systems ~ Control of Contouring Systems ~ A Typical PLC-based Motion Control Board for CNC Drive ~ Axis and Spindle Drives ~ Spindle Drives ~ Feed Drives ]
  • Module 6 ~ Actuators
    • Lesson 25 ~ Control Valves, objectives: Explain the basic principle of operation of a pneumatically actuated control valve; Distinguish between air-to-open and air-to-close valves; Explain the constructions and relative advantages and disadvantages of single- seated and double-seated valves; Name three types of control valves and sketch their ideal flow characteristics; Sketch the shapes of the plugs for three different types of control valves; Define the term rangeability; Explain the different between ideal and effective characteristics; Explain the advantage of using equal percentage valve over using linear control valve; contents: [ Ideal Characteristics ~ Effective Characteristics ]
    • Lesson 26 ~ Hydraulic Actuation Systems – I: Principle and Components, objectives: Describe the principles of operation of hydraulic systems and understand its advantages; Be familiar with basic hydraulic components and their roles in the system; Describe the constructional and functional aspects of hydraulic pumps and motors; Draw the graphical symbols used to depict typical hydraulic system components; contents: [ Pascal's Law ~ Amplification of Force ~ Advantages of Hydraulic Actuation Systems ~ Components of Hydraulic Actuation Systems ~ Hydraulic Fluid ~ The Fluid Delivery Subsystem ~ Reservoir ~ Filter ~ Line ~ Fittings and Seals ~ Hydraulic Pumps ~ Hydrostatic or Positive Displacement Pumps ~ Gear Pumps ~ Vane Pumps ~ Piston Pumps ~ Radial Piston Pumps ~ Swash Plate Design Inline Piston Pumps ~ Accumulators ~ Spring-Loaded Accumulators ~ Gas Charged Accumulator ~ Cylinders ]
    • Lesson 27 ~ Directional Control Valves, Switches and Gauges, objectives: Describe the major types of direction control valves, their construction, operation and symbol; Describe the major types of pressure relief and flow control valves, their construction, operation and symbol; Describe pressure switches, as well as pressure and flow gauges used in hydraulic systems; contents: [ Check Valve ~ Pilot - operated Check Valves ~ Two-Way and Four-Way Valves ~ Rotary Valve ~ Spool Type Valve ~ Two way valve ~ Spool Center Conditions ~ Operating Controls ~ Relief Valves ~ Pressure Switches ~ Pressure Gauges ~ Flow Meters ]
    • Lesson 28 ~ Industrial Hydraulic Circuits, objectives: Describe typical industrial actuation problems; Interpret hydraulic system symbols and circuit diagrams; Describe techniques for energy saving in hydraulic systems; contents: [ Case Study I: Unloading System for Energy Saving ~ Mode 1: Both Pumps Loaded ~ Mode 2: One pump unloaded ~ Case Study II: Selection of System Operating Pressure ~ Venting Mode ~ Intermediate Maximum Operating Pressure ~ Case Study III: Reciprocating Cylinder with Automatic Venting at End of Cycle ~ Extension Stroke ~ Retraction Stroke ~ Automatic Venting at End of Retraction Stroke ~ Push Button Start of Cycle ~ Case Study IV: Regenerative Reciprocating Circuit ~ Regenerative Advance ~ Case Study V: Sequencing Circuits ]
    • Lesson 29 ~ Pneumatic Control Components, objectives: Explain with a sketch the principle of operation of a flapper nozzle amplifier; Derive the approximate relationship between the output pressure and displacement for a flapper nozzle amplifier; Justify the use of air relay in conjunction with a flapper nozzle amplifier; Explain the advantage of using closed loop configuration of flapper nozzle amplifier; Sketch and explain the operation of a flapper nozzle amplifier in closed loop; Explain the limitation of a direct acting type valve positioner; Explain the principle of operation of a feedback type valve positioner; contents: [ Flapper nozzle amplifier ~ Performance Analysis ~ Flapper Nozzle Amplifier with Feedback ~ Electro-pneumatic Signal Converter ~ Pneumatic Valve Positioner ]
    • Lesson 30 ~ Pneumatic Control Systems, objectives: Sketch the schematic diagram of a pneumatic proportional controller; Apply linearisation technique to develop the transfer function of a pneumatic proportional controller; Identify the major difference in construction among pneumatic P, P-D and P-I controllers; Identify the varying element by which the proportional gain of a P-controller can be adjusted; Identify the varying elements for adjusting the derivative and integral times in P-D and P-I controllers; Develop the transfer function of a pneumatic P-D controller; contents: [ Pneumatic Proportional Controller ~ Pneumatic Proportional plus derivative controller ~ Pneumatic Proportional Plus Integral Controller ]
  • Module 7 ~ Electrical Machine Drives
    • Lesson 31 ~ Energy Savings with Variable Speed Drives, objectives: To describe typical methods of flow control by industrial fans and pumps; To be able to determine operating points from pump/fan and load characteristics; To demonstrate energy saving with variable speed drive method of flow control compared to throttling; contents: [ Fans: Characteristics and Operation ~ On-Off Control ~ Outlet Dampers ~ Variable Speed Drive ~ Energy Savings by Different Flow Control Methods ~ Outlet Damper ~ Variable Speed Drive ~ Pumps: Characteristics and Operation ~ Flow Control ~ Throttling ~ Variable Speed Drive ~ Static Head ]
    • Lesson 32 ~ Step Motors: Principles, Construction and Drives, objectives: Explain how a step motor is different from a conventional motor; Identify the major constructional difference between a permanent magnet and variable reluctance type motor; Distinguish between the terms full stepping and half stepping; Develop the switching sequence for a given step motor according to given requirements; Calculate the step angle; Explain what is meant by static position error; Name two different modes of operation for continuous rotation; Explain with schematic diagrams, open loop and closed loop control schemes used for step motors; contents: [ Permanent magnet step motor ~ Variable Reluctance type Step Motor ~ Typical specification of a step motor ~ Driving Circuit ~ Static Torque Curve ~ Static Position Error ~ Dynamic Response ~ Continuous Operation ~ Control of Step Motors ]
    • Lesson 33 ~ Electrical Actuators: DC Motor Drives, objectives: Describe the major constructional features of dc motors; Explain the principle of torque generation; Derive the dynamic speed response characteristics relating armature voltage, load torque and speed; Describe the realization of a variable voltage controlled source using switch mode power converters; Draw the block diagram a typical speed control loop for a separately excited dc motor; contents: [ DC Servomotors ~ Mechanical Construction ~ Braking methods in servo-drive ~ Transistor PWM dc Converter ~ Driving, clockwise (CW), I quadrant ~ Braking, clockwise, IV quadrant ~ Advantages of transistor PWM dc drives over thyristor drives ~ Closed loop of control of DC motors ]
    • Lesson 34 ~ Electrical Actuators: Induction Motor Drives, objectives: Concept of slip; Equivalent circuit of induction motor; Torque-speed characteristics; Methods of induction motor speed control; Principles of PWM inverter; Implementation of constant V/f control; contents: [ Equivalent Circuit ~ Torque-Speed Curve ~ Speed Control ~ Variable-Voltage, Constant-Frequency Operation ~ Variable-Frequency Operation ~ Variable voltage variable frequency operation with constant V/f ~ Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Supply ~ Voltage-source Inverter-driven Induction Motor ~ Square wave inverters ~ PWM Principle ~ Sinusoidal PWM ~ Implementation of a constant voltage/constant frequency strategy ]
  • Module 8 ~ Industrial Embedded and Communication Systems
    • Lesson 35 ~ Electrical Actuators: BLDC Motor Drives, objectives: Define the Structure of a PM BLDC Motor; Describe the principle of operation of a PM BLDC motor; Understand Closed Loop Control of a BLDC Drive; Name applications of BLDC Motor; contents: [ Advantage of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor ~ Structure of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor ~ Stator ~ Rotor ~ Hall Sensors ~ Principle of operation and dynamic model of a BLDC Motor ~ Closed Loop Control of PM BLDC Drive ~ Typical BLDC Motor Applications ~ Applications with Constant Loads ~ Applications with Varying Loads ~ Positioning Applications ]
    • Lesson 36 ~ Introduction to Real Time Embedded Systems, objectives: Define a Real Time Embedded System; Describe major hardware components of an Embedded system; Describe typical architectures for such systems; contents: [ Typical Characteristics of an RTES ~ Single-Functioned ~ Tightly Constrained ~ Reactive and Real Time ~ Common Architecture ~ Components of an Embedded System ~ Digital Signal Processor (DSP) ~ Microprocessors vs Microcontrollers ~ Microprocessors vs DSP ~ Input/Output Devices and Interface Chips ]
    • Lesson 37 ~ Real-Time Operating Systems: Introduction and Process Management, objectives: Describe the major functions of an Operating System; Define multi-tasking and describe its advantages; Describe the task states and transitions in the execution life cycle under a multi-tasking OS; Define the concept of preemptive priority scheduling; Describe common multi-tasking architectures of RTOS; Describe the classification of computing tasks in terms of their timing constraints; contents: [ Nature of IA computation ~ Operating Systems (OS) Basics ~ Real-Time Operating Systems ~ Task Scheduling and Dispatch ~ Cyclic Executive ~ Real Time Operating Systems ~ Priority Levels in a typical Real-Time Operating System ~ Task Scheduling Management ]
    • Lesson 38 ~ Networking of Field Devices via Fieldbus, objectives: To motivate a field level networked digital communication architecture for implementation of distributed plant wide control; To describe the Fieldbus network protocol; To describe the basic computation and communication architecture for Fieldbus devices; To explain issues related to time synchronization, interoperabilty, communication efficiency etc. in the Fieldbus network; contents: [ Motivations for the Fieldbus ~ Fieldbus Topology ~ Architecture of the Fieldbus ~ The Physical Layer ~ The Data Link Layer ~ The Link Active Scheduler (LAS) ~ Cyclic Communication ~ Acyclic/Unscheduled Communication ~ from cyclic communications, requirements for acyclic ~ sporadic process related events, such as, ~ Alarm ~ Operator Data Update ~ Trend Data Update ~ Set Point changes ~ Controller Tuning ~ Acyclic/Unscheduled Communication ~ Macro Cycle and Elementary Cycle ~ The Application Layer ~ Fieldbus Access Sublayer ~ One-to-one Bi-directional (QUB) ~ One-to-one Unidirectional 1 (BNU) ~ One-to-one Unidirectional 2 (QUU) ~ The Fieldbus Message Sublayer (FMS) ~ Fieldbus Devices ~ Communications Stack ~ Transducer Block ~ Realisation of Distributed Control Functions using Function Blocks in Fieldbus ]
  • Module 9 ~ Conclusion
    • Lesson 39 ~ Higher Levels of Automation Systems, objectives: Describe the major functions of Production Management Systems under Level 3 Automation; Describe the major features of a Supervisory Control System under Level 2 Automation; Describe the major features of a Distributed Control System (DCS); contents: [ Level 3 Automation: Production Management ~ Level 2 Automation: Supervisory Control ~ Supervisory Control Tasks ~ Distributed Control Systems (DCS) ~ Brief History ~ An Example Functional Specification document for Basic Level (Level 1) and Process Control Level (Level 2) Automation Systems for a large rolling mill ~ System Figures of Merit ~ Features of an Industrial DCS: Honeywell's' Total Plant Solution (TPS) System ]
    • Lesson 40 ~ Conclusion and Review