Saturday, March 26, 2011

install Android OS on your Laptop or Desktop

We have seen Ubuntu running on Nexus One / Android Powered Device, Windows XP on iPad, Windows 95 on iPhone & iPad, Mac OS X running on Nokia, Android OS running on Nokia, and Android OS on iPhone. But, how about Android OS on your Notebook or Desktop? That sounds interesting. Its GREAT to see how fast this mobile OS runs on a Laptop or a Desktop. Guys over at HowtoGeek were able to install Android OS on a Notebook / Desktop. If you are interested in install Android OS on your Desktop, you just follow the below step by step process.

First we will be installing Android OS on a Flash Drive or a Memory Drive or a Pen Drive, which will be a boot-able one and then we will make run on your Notebook or Desktop. So, lets get started.


  • Empty Flash Drive (256MB or more storage space)
  • Notebook / Desktop

Lets see if you NetBook or Laptop is supported: Most Eee PC models including 701, 701SD, 900, 900A, 901, 904HD, 1000, 1000HE, 1000HD, 1005HAG, S101, T91 (VESA mode), touchscreen works., Eee Top 1602C (VESA mode), touchscreen works., Lenovo ThinkPad x61 Tablet.
Except T91 and Eee Top, all can run the native resolutions (800×480 or 1024×600) via i915 driver. Thanks to the kernel mode setting (kms) feature introduced in kernel 2.6.29.

How to Install Android OS on a Flash / Memory / Pen Drive

Step 1: Download android-x86-1.6-r2.iso and UNetbootin from the links below.

Step 2: Once your downloads are complete, run UNetbootin. Click the bullet beside Diskimage, then click the “ “ button and select the Android ISO file you just downloaded. Finally, select the correct flash drive or memory card in the menu on the bottom, and click Ok.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Step 3: UNetbootin will now copy the files to your flash drive. This may take a few moments, depending on your flash drive’s speed.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Step 4: Once it’s finished, it will ask if you wish to reboot. If you want to go ahead and run Android, you can click Reboot; otherwise, just exit and run Android from your flash drive when you want.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Using Android-x86 On Your Computer

Step 1: Now you’re ready to run Android on your netbook, laptop, or even a full desktop computer. Simply reboot your computer with the USB drive, and select to boot from it. Not all computers will automatically boot from a USB device, so you may have to press F2, F10, or another key, depending on your computer, and change the Boot options in the bios.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Step 2: Now, when you boot from the USB drive, select Live CD – Run Android-x86 without installation.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Step 3: You’ll see a text prompt for a few moments as Android begins to load.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Step 4: Then you’ll see the Android boot screen, though we only saw it for a moment, as our computer booted really fast into Android.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Step 5: After a couple seconds, you’ll see the Android desktop … on your netbook or computer! You can quickly access one of the apps on the home screen, or open the menu to see more options.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Step 6: Click and hold to open a context menu, such as to change the background or add a desktop widget.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Step 7: Or, press your mouse’s right button to open a menu, such as to open a new tab in the browser.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Step 8: It works very good as a quick way to get online; the Android browser is actually quite capable for normal browsing, and worked very well in our tests. With a 10 second or less boot time, you may enjoy using this as an alternate to Puppy Linux or other light distros for a quick way to get online securely.

Step 9: You can even install new applications with the included AndAppStore, though these will only be installed while this Android session is running. If you reboot your computer, you’ll only see the default applications and settings again.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Step 10: Android x86 supports all of the hardware, including cameras and Wi-Fi, on several Netbooks and laptops; check the link below to see if yours is supported. In our test, our camera wasn’t supported, and we additionally had to connect to the internet via Ethernet since it didn’t detect our Wi-Fi card.

How to install Android OS on Laptop

Download Links

  • Download android-x86-1.6-r2.iso – If you are looking for a latest version, the head over here
  • Download UNetbootin [Windows]
  • Download UNetbootin [Linux]

Friday, March 25, 2011




  在追踪网络攻击中另一需要考虑的问题是:IP地址是一个虚拟地址而不是一个物理地址,IP地址很容易被伪造,大部分网络攻击者采用IP地址欺骗 技术。这样追踪到的攻击源是不正确的。使得以IP地址为基础去发现攻击者变得更加困难。因此,必须采用一些方法,识破攻击者的欺骗,找到攻击源的真正IP 地址。

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  ★ 日志数据--最详细的攻击记录



  Unix和Linux的日志文件较详细的记录了用户的各种活动,如登录的ID的用户名、用户IP地址、端口号、登录和退出时间、每个ID最近一 次登录时间、登录的终端、执行的命令,用户ID的账号信息等。通过这些信息可以提供ttyname(终端号)和源地址,是追踪网络攻击的最重要的数据。

  大部分网络攻击者会把自己的活动记录从日记中删去,而且UOP和基于X Windows的活动往往不被记录,给追踪者带来困难。为了解决这个问题,可以在系统中运行wrapper工具,这个工具记录用户的服务请求和所有的活 动,且不易被网络攻击者发觉,可以有效的防止网络攻击者消除其活动纪录。

  Windows NT和Windows 2000的日志

  Windows NT和Windows 2000有系统日志、安全日志和应用程序日志等三个日志,而与安全相关的数据包含在安全日志中。安全日志记录了登录用户的相关信息。安全日志中的数据是由 配置所决定的。因此,应该根据安全需要合理进行配置,以便获得保证系统安全所必需的数据。

  但是,Windows NT和Windows 2000的安全日志存在重大缺陷,它不记录事件的源,不可能根据安全日志中的数据追踪攻击者的源地址。为了解决这个问题,可以安装一个第三方的能够完整记录审计数据的工具。



  但是,防火墙也不是不可能被攻破的,它的日志也可能被删除和修改。攻击者也可向防火墙发动拒绝服务攻击,使防火墙瘫痪或至少降低其速度使其难以 对事件做出及时响应,从而破坏防火墙日志的完整性。因此,在使用防火墙日志之前,应该运行专用工具检查防火墙日志的完整性,以防得到不完整的数据,贻误追 踪时机。